Mar 14, 2025
ENG-108 - Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry3 credits The emphasis in this course is on the writing of poetry, although students will also have the opportunity to write fiction and drama, using contemporary and traditional models for their work. During the semester, students will write poems in a variety of forms from free to formal verse including haiku, sonnets, villanelles, sestin ghazals, and pantoums. For each genre, students will practice appropriate strategies, including the use of imagery, metaphor, rhyme and rhythm, point-of-view, dialogue, characterizations, and plot development. Preparation of a portfolio is required of each student. Final projects will include a class reading of finished pieces and publication of a literary magazine.
Prerequisite(s): ENG 102
Mass Transfer Block: Credits earned in this course are counted towards the MassTransfer Block Humanities and Fine Arts requirement.
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