2025-26 Academic Catalog
Electrical Engineering Technology - ELEC.AS
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The Electrical Engineering Technology program prepares students for work in the development, installation and maintenance of robotic and industrial automated systems.
The field of robotics and automation is concerned with automated machines controlled electrically by involving the coordinated use of hydraulics, electrical, pneumatic, and microcomputer elements. An investment in robotics presents many advantages to enterprises, including lower production costs and a quality of work not attainable by a human operator. With this in mind, the need for skilled technicians to install, maintain, and service these automated systems will be ever-increasing.
Minimum grade requirements: All “ELE” series electrical technology courses must be successfully completed with a grade of “D” or better to graduate. These courses must be taken in sequential order. That is, second semester courses cannot be taken until the first semester prerequisite courses are successfully completed. Before starting the third semester, the student must have successfully completed MAT-125, Technical Mathematics 2.
3-year Graduation Rate (Cohort Entering Fall 2010)
Fall 2010 Enrollment
Fall 2011 Enrollment
Fall 2012 Enrollment
Fall 2013 Enrollment
Upon the successful completion of requirements for this program, the degree of Associate in Science in Electrical Engineering Technology will be awarded.
Educational Program Objectives
The career and professional accomplishments that the Electrical Engineering Technology program is preparing graduates to achieve are as follows: - Prepare graduates to apply scientific and engineering knowledge and methods combined with technical skills and proficiency with the use of tools germane to the Electrical Engineering Technology field that can be applied immediately in an industrial environment.
- Be recognized as a valued professional and an effective communicator in industries related to the electrical technologies field.
- Practice their profession in a collaborative, team-oriented manner that embraces the multicultural and multidisciplinary nature of today’s society.
- Engage in lifelong learning and professional development through the various educational modalities available and through professional organization participation.
- Conduct themselves as responsible members of society with the willingness to assist fellow employees and with an understanding of the ethical, social, and economic impact of their work in a global context.
Program Outcomes
Program outcomes are the specific skills, knowledge and behaviors that a student acquires while going through the curriculum. Upon graduation from the Electrical Engineering Technology program, the student is expected to be able to demonstrate: Upon graduation, students in the Electrical Engineering Technology Program will be able to demonstrate: - Competence in the knowledge, skills, techniques, and tools of the electrical engineering technologist discipline including: expertise in the application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, associated software, analog and digital electronics, and microprocessors
- An ability to apply current knowledge and skills and adapt to emerging applications in technology.
- An ability to conduct, analyze, and interpret laboratory and field tests and apply these results to improve processes in the building, testing, operation, and maintenance of electrical systems.
- An ability to apply creativity in the design and application of electrical systems, components or processes to the fields of robotics, control, and automation
- An ability to function effectively on teams,
- An ability to identify, analyze and solve technical problems,
- An ability to write, speak, and listen effectively,
- A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in lifelong learning,
- An ability to understand professional, ethical and social responsibilities,
- A respect for diversity and a knowledge of contemporary professional, societal and global issues,
- A commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement.
Total (ELEC.AS) Curriculum Program Credits: 66
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