Mar 06, 2025
CRJ-260 - Criminal Justice Capstone3 credits This capstone is designed to combine the concepts, theories, skills and practices developed in the Criminal Justice degree program and apply them in a practical situation. Students will participate in mock criminal investigations and develop a group deliverable, in the form of a case file and charging decision/recommendation.Students will be required to keep a detailed field notebook, make written investigation progress reports and show regular progress towards creation of their case file. Class time will be spent with groups working in the mock crime scene. Students will conduct forensic analysis of collected evidence, process lab results and review responses to information requests. Students will conduct witness and suspect interviews and use inductive reasoning to develop an investigative theory. Students will research and discuss possible charging decisions/recommendations.
Prerequisite(s): CRJ 122 , CRJ 130 , CRJ 200 , CRJ 210 , ENG 102 and ENG 104
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