Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-25 Academic Catalog Program: Teacher Education Transfer - Elementary - EDEL.AA Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Teacher Education Transfer - Elementary - EDEL.AA

STCC has established joint admission with the Westfield State University School of Education. After completing the curriculum here you would transfer as a junior.

State licensure requires that Elementary and Early Childhood licensure students complete two majors before graduating from WSU. Your first major will be in education, and your second major in Liberal Studies, an interdisciplinary liberal arts major or one of the liberal arts disciplines: English, History, Science, Math, Economics, or Political Science in addition to others. Early Childhood Education majors may also select either psychology or arts as a second major.

Students seeking licensure to teach in middle or secondary school levels must choose a major subject (for which there is a teaching licensure) as their one major at WSU. These students will also need to complete the professional sequence of education courses for licensure at WSU.

Other colleges

If you are interested in obtaining licensure in teacher education at a four-year college other than Westfield State University, it is essential that you decide on the college to which you wish to transfer early in your career here. Obtain a catalog from the other college and bring it to your advisor for an advisor meeting. If you are undecided regarding a four-year college, you may wish to major in Liberal Arts Transfer (LTTR.AA) here, especially if you intend to go into secondary education.

Upon successful completion of the requirements for this program, the degree of Associate in Arts in Liberal Arts Transfer will be awarded.

(EDEL.AA) Curriculum

Elementary and Early Childhood Licensure Westfield State University

Semester 1


Course NamecreditsTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENG-101 - English Composition 1 3 credits
PSY-101 - General Psychology 3 credits
BIO-141 - Fundamentals of Environmental Biology 3 credits
BIO-141L - Lab: Fundamentals of Environmental Biology 1 credits
EDU-101 - Foundations of Education 3 credits

Select one:

Course NamecreditsTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
HIS-110 - Survey of U.S. History and Government 3 credits
HIS-111 - Survey of Modern U.S. History 3 credits

Total: 16 credits


Semester 2


Course NamecreditsTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
EDU-102 - Teaching in an Inclusive Classroom 3 credits
HIS-100 - Survey of Early Western Civilization 3 credits
ENG-102 - English Composition 2 3 credits
PSY-200 - Child Psychology 3 credits
PHY-105 - Physical Science 1 3 credits
PHY-105L - Lab: Physical Science 1 1 credits

Total: 16 credits


Semester 3


Course NamecreditsTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENG-225 - Children’s Literature 3 credits
MAT-126 - Mathematical Reasoning 3 credits
HIS-105 - Cultural Geography 3 credits
EDU-104 - Critical & AntiRacist Approaches in Edu 3 credits

Select one:

Course NamecreditsTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ART-120 - Art History: Prehistoric to Gothic 3 credits
ART-121 - Art History: Renaissance to Modern 3 credits

Total: 15 credits


Semester 4


Course NamecreditsTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
EDU-103 - Intro to Language, Literacy, and Language Arts 3 credits
PHL-207 - Philosophy of Education 3 credits
EDU-202 - Learning Disabilities & Instructional Strategies 3 credits
EDU-201 - Principles of Teaching and Learning 3 credits
EDU-201L - Lab: Principles of Teaching and Learning 1 credits

Total: 13 credits

Total (EDEL.AA) Elementary and Early Childhood Licensure Westfield State University Program Credits: 60

Program Personnel

Name Title Office Phone Email
Josh Carreiro Professor/Social and Behavioral Sciences Department Chair 17/237 413-755-4631
Aimee Dalenta Assistant Professor/Education Practicum Coordinator 13/339 413-755-4310
Linda Prystupa Professor 13/338 413-755-4305

